Friday, September 20, 2024

Somaliland President Criticizes Turkey’s Maritime Proposal

Mogadishu, 11,August 2024 {HMC} The President of Somaliland, Muse Bihi Abdi, who is currently in Berbera, has declared that the agreement made by the government of Somalia cannot be implemented in Somaliland.

Muse Bihi described the proposal by Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan as interference. On Friday, he stated that the conflict between Ethiopia and Somalia could only be resolved if Ethiopia discusses maritime issues directly with Somalia.

“Yesterday, the Turkish Foreign Minister publicly intervened in Somaliland’s affairs, meddling with Berbera and its port, and suggested that Ethiopia should allow Hassan Sheikh to pass through. That is a mistake, and Somaliland will not accept it,” Muse Bihi said.

He emphasized that it will never be possible to govern Somaliland from Mogadishu.

Following the conflict sparked by the agreement between Somaliland and Ethiopia regarding sea passage, which has been ongoing for the last eight months between Somalia and Ethiopia, Turkey has recommended that Ethiopia be granted sea access through Somalia to resolve the dispute.

The Foreign Ministers of Ethiopia and Somalia are scheduled to hold talks in Ankara on Monday, and the outcome of these Turkey-mediated discussions is eagerly awaited.