Sunday, September 8, 2024

FESOJ held Panel Discussion on Press Freedom in Somalia in marking the WPFD in Beledweyne city, Hirshabelle State

Mogadishu, Wednesday, May 8, 2024 The Federation of Somali Journalists (FESOJ) has organized One – day Panel Discussion on press freedom in Somalia held on Wednesday, May 8, 2024 in signifying the World Press Freedom Day in Beledweyne city, Hirshabelle State, Somalia.

The panel discussion in remembrance of World Press Freedom Day, an event annually celebrated on May 3, 2024 was dedicated to strengthening the importance of press Freedom Day in Somalia and to stress environmental issues and their significance to Somalia.

Five-member lead panelists comprising of Mohamed Ibrahim, office of the Prosecutor, Hirshabelle State, Lieutenant Yusuf Abdulkadir Ahmed, police officer, Hawa Ahmed Rajaal , Ministry of Environment/Member of the Regional State, Farhan Anshur , Senior journalist and Abdifatah Adan Osman , expert of environmental issues were the key in roundtable discussin.

The discussions touched on issues related with freedom of expression, press freedom and environment protection. The discussions have highlighted the number of violations against the Somali Media and journalists that have taken place.

The need of the media in reporting environmental matters was also discussed.

The one -day panel discussion event has been participated by 35 selected persons including members from editors, journalists, media directors, police, prosecutor, district authorities and civil society activists.

Furthermore, in signifying the occasion of this year’s World Press Freedom Day May 3, 2024, the Federation of Somali Journalists (FESOJ) has prepared, produced and circulated Somalia Annual Press Freedom Report 2023 – 2024 entitled: – “Somalia: Government Violated Media Law it Previously Endorsed, Undermining Press Freedom.” Following is the link of the report: –


Furthermore, FESOJ has displayed number of brochures in support of marking the World Press Freedom Day event highlighting expressions signifying the occasion.

In conclusion, in press conference, brief statement was made about the major points discussed during the panel discussion and the FESOJ Annual report presentation.
