Sunday, September 8, 2024

Police commanders attend swearing-in of 300 new police officers in Mogadishu.

Tuesday 12,March, 2024 {HMC} The Chief of the Somali Police Force, Brigadier General Sulub Ahmed Firin, along with other police officials, attended the swearing-in ceremony for 300 new police officers at the General Kahiye Police Academy in Mogadishu on Monday.

Brigadier General Sulub Ahmed Firin stated that the newly trained police would participate in securing Mogadishu during the holy month of Ramadan.

“The addition of these officers to the police force is a testament to the ongoing efforts to strengthen law enforcement capabilities within the country. As they take their oath, the new force stands ready to uphold the law and protect the people of Somalia,” he said.

The newly trained officers showcased their skills in a parade. This graduation follows a week after another Somali National Army (SNA) Gorgor Brigade, who received military training at the TURKSOM Military Academy, graduated.

President Mohamud emphasized that the government’s top priority is to reform the National Army, which serves as the cornerstone of the country’s governance, and to achieve swift victory in the war against terrorism.