Sunday, September 8, 2024

The Shabelle River flooded in the Beledweyne neighborhood

Saturday November 11, 2023 {HMC}  The Shabelle River, which runs through Beledweyne townships, has started to overflow its banks in some Beledweyne townships.

Some parts of Koshin and Hawa Taako neighborhoods were flooded by the river this afternoon, especially the branches of Raderka, Kutiimbo, Kangjibis and Shaah Daam.

In the neighborhoods where the Shabelle river flooded today, there has been a strong displacement in the past few days by the people who live in those neighborhoods, who were afraid of the flooding that the river did today.

There is also a strong fear that the river will flood some parts of Bundaweyn and Howlwadaag in the coming hours.

The flood that has just started in the river is coming, as most of the people living in the neighborhoods of Beledweyne have been displaced from their homes in the past few days, most of them have been displaced to Eeljale neighborhood where Beledweyne is located.