
SOMA concluded stakeholders’ meeting on improving freedom of expression, safety of journalists and access to information in Baidoa, South West State

Mogadishu, Saturday September 29, 2024: The Somali Media Association (SOMA) has concluded today a two-day dialogue meeting for the stakeholders on freedom of expression, safety of journalists and access to information in Baidoa city, South West State.


Twenty-five participants comprising of editors, journalists, media managers, Director General of Ministry of Information of South West State, police, judiciary and CSO were the key participants in the dialogue discussion meeting.


The stakeholders’ meeting implemented in partnership with the International Media Support (IMS) and SIDA Sweden has been held at Hotel -Haldoor from 28th to 29th September 2024 in Baidoa city, South West State discussing how to defend freedom of expression.


The meeting was aiming to improve better understanding and remove distrust and mutual suspicion in order to promote access to information, create an environment more conducive to freedom of expression, and ensuring safety of media and journalist.


Moreover, the main purpose of the dialogue meeting moderated by Muhudin Husni , Baidoa city based experienced senior media trainers, was to better understand and reach level of awareness leading to achieve policy safeguarding the related articles written in the constitution focusing on press freedom, access to information and safety of journalists.


During his opening Speech, Omar Mustafa, the Director General, Ministry of Information of South West State reiterated that his administration will guarantee respect for access to information, Press Freedom and safety of journalists and the media.


On his part, Hilal Sheikh Shuaib, Chairman of SOMA indicated the dialogue meeting is aimed to achieve understanding between the government, CSO, police, judiciary and the media which will eventually result to close cooperation and progress in freedom of expression, freedom of the press, safety of journalists and access of the needed information.


In addition, Hilal Sheikh Shuaib , SOMA’s chairperson appreciated IMS and SIDA Sweden for the valuable support to the Somali journalists and Media.


“The goal of the dialogue meeting is to find new ideas to be shared and explore for the best ways that can lead to sustainable solutions for the challenges the Somali media are facing.” Muhudin Husni , senior media trainer pointed out in his brief preliminary presentation at the meeting.


Additionally, the dialogue meeting has been held to coinciding with the marking of the yearly International Day for Universal Access to Information -IDUAI – 28th September 2024 event with the intention to highlighting its significance in the Somalia context.


The meeting discussed that the significance of observing the annual event Universal access to information which demands that every individual has the right to actively seek, receive, and share information.


This right has been explained to be fundamental part of the broader right to freedom of expression. It was indicated that the media plays a vital role in disseminating information on matters of public interest, it also depends on its ability to seek and receive information.


It was highlighted marking of the annual event Universal access to information IDUAI event – 28th September 2024 under the theme ‘Mainstreaming Access to Information and Participation in the Public Sector’ recognize the basic role that access to information plays in empowering our citizens, promoting social equity, and strengthening democratic governance.


SOMA in partnership with IMS has previously implemented similar media Stakeholder Dialogue Meeting related with freedom of expression, safety of journalists and access to information in Beledweyne city, Hirshabelle State on October 2023, in Dhuusamareeb city, Galmudug State on December 2023 and in Kismayo city, Jubbaland State on March 2024.
