Sunday, September 8, 2024

The United States government has issued a report on Ethiopia’s maritime crisis

Thursday 11 July 2024 {HMC} – In the past few days, there has been a lot of discussion on Somali and Ethiopian social media about a photo taken from an article written by the African Herald newspaper, one of the media operating in Ethiopia.

The information published by the newspaper, which was denied by the US government, contained what they said about the content of the conversation between the US envoy to Africa who went to Mogadishu and the President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.

This newspaper published the article in which it said that the US envoy to Africa, Mike Hammer, spoke with President Hassan Sheikh about the crisis between Ethiopia, which was a result of the agreement at the beginning of this year. signed by Abiy Ahmed and Muse Bihi.

The newspaper noted in his article that the US Ambassador to Africa spoke of respecting the growing diplomatic and economic relations between Ethiopia and Somaliland, while showing the benefits of such relations for the peace and development of the region.

Various politicians have also posted the photo taken from the newspaper article on their internet sites, which has been reacted to in different ways.

The American Embassy in Somalia has denied the information written in the city of the African Herolad newspaper on its twitter (X) and said it was false.

“The latest news about a statement made by the US Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa, Mike Hammer, about Somalia is false,” the embassy said in a statement.

The US ambassador to Africa has already clarified the US position on the crisis between Ethiopia and Somalia by saying, “As we have repeatedly said, the United States recognizes the sovereignty and unity of the federal government of Somalia, which includes Somaliland. “Somaliland is only for the Somali people” when Mike Hammer said this he was participating in the meeting of the leaders of the regional organization IGAD which took place at the beginning of this year in Kampala, Uganda.