Friday, October 18, 2024

Somaliland president inspects new planes for pilot training school

Sunday 09, June 2024 {HMC} The leaders of the breakaway Somaliland Republic, President Muse Bihi Abdi and Military Commander Nuh Ismail Tani, inspected newly acquired planes for the first time on Saturday.

The presidency announced that these planes would be used to train pilots at the Somaliland Pilot Training School, emphasizing the importance of advancing local aviation capabilities. “The president inspected new planes that will be owned by the Republic of Somaliland for the first time. These planes will be used to train technicians and civil pilots within the country,” the statement said.””
The Somaliland Civil Aviation and Airports Authority (SLCAAA) added, “We have brought 4 aircraft to the SL Aviation Training Center, which will train future pilots from Somaliland to work for the benefit of the people and the country.”

In an effort to boost the country’s aviation expertise, the government has enlisted international pilot trainers. According to the official statement, these trainers are set to produce professional pilots over the next two years.

Additionally, President Bihi visited the General Command of the Somaliland Military Forces in Hargeisa, further underlining his administration’s commitment to strengthening Somaliland’s military and aviation infrastructure.

The acquisition of these planes and the establishment of the Somaliland Aviation Institute are major steps in the region’s aviation development.