Sunday, September 8, 2024

Seven al-Shabab militants killed in an airstrike in Lower Shabelle region

Sunday February 18, 2024 {HMC} The Somali government has reported that at least seven al-Shabab members were killed and four others wounded in an airstrike conducted by Somali army forces, supported by international partners, in the Lower Shabelle region.

The attack occurred at a location where the militants had gathered in Kuntawarey district on Friday night.

“The operation, which was an aerial attack, took place on Friday night at around 11:30 p.m. at a site where the Khawarij militias were assembling. The enemy suffered losses in that operation, with seven conspirators killed and four injured, including leaders,” stated the government in an issued statement.

This attack in Kuntawarey follows a similar operation on the previous night by government forces and international allies in the Gal’ad district of the Galgaduud region, which the government reported caused heavy losses to al-Shabaab members.
