
ATMIS and UN Group Focus on Civilian Protection and Human Rights Implementation in Somalia

Mogadishu, 5 December 2024: The African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) and the United Nations Joint Working Group (JWG) on Human Rights Due Diligence Policy (HRDDP) on Sunday, convened to discuss critical areas for the implementation of the United Nations HRDDP in ATMIS. The meeting particularly focused on the protection of civilians for the Phase 2 of ATMIS drawdown.

Co-chaired by the Head of ATMIS, Ambassador Souef Mohamed El-Amine, the Deputy Special Representative for the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), Anita Kiki Gbeho, and the Assistant Secretary General for the United Nations Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS), Aisa Kirabo Kacyira, the JWG has been operational since 15 February 2014. It regularly reviews human rights promotion and protection in Somalia, and the enforcement of HRDDP.

Ambassador Souef highlighted the success of various ATMIS initiatives, including training, directives, and engagement protocols, in enhancing compliance with International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and human rights obligations. He encouraged exploring new methods to reinforce these commitments and the HRDDP’s effective implementation.

The UN Deputy Special Representative for UNSOM, Kiki Gbeho emphasised the need for regular high-level meetings to address emerging challenges and opportunities in ATMIS’ transition, particularly in the context of intensifying operations against Al-Shabaab and the forthcoming security conference. She underlined the significance of concrete actions in civilian protection and community engagement in regions impacted by ATMIS’ restructuring.

The UNSOS Assistant Secretary General, Aisa Kirabo, commended the collaboration between the UN and ATMIS, focusing on achieving shared objectives and prioritising the needs of the Somali people. She stressed the critical need for human rights adherence and robust implementation of mitigation measures, especially in light of the upcoming Somalia Security Conference in New York.

The ASG also applauded the efforts of ATMIS and UNSOS monitoring teams in upholding international human rights and humanitarian laws, emphasizing the importance of timeliness and transparency.

The co-chairs lauded the joint technical teams of ATMIS, UNSOM, and UNSOS for their cooperative efforts in human rights protection and the implementation of the HRDDP in Somalia.